Friday, November 11, 2011

This blog isn't titled "confessions" for nothing!

My newest adventure begins this moment, with weekly Friday confessions from this bride-to-be! Inspired by my blog's title, my friend's recent Facebook post about keeping it real regarding motherhood, and my inner id, I am going to take each weekend to let it all out. Hopefully I'll gain some piece of mind, and cause some laughter.

Confession #1: I worship LMFAO.
I figured that I might as well get that one out of the way. I know that no one in their thirties should enjoy the "Party Rock Anthem" as much as I do (and not because of the dancing hamsters, I never even saw that commercial until well after my obsession began), but I just want to DANCE every time I hear the pounding beats and electronic riffs. "I'm Sexy and I Know It"currently pumps me up at every Zumba class. I have their last CD uploaded on my iPod so that I am motivated to run just a little faster. Truthfully, when Shots comes on, I go right back to college, imagine myself in the frat house again, and take a moment to be 21 instead of 31. Now, I'm not about to go by some animal print pants and neon tanks, but I am going to turn up the music and rock out, and plan to include them at the top of my playlist for the wedding!

From LMFAO Facebook Page

1 comment:

  1. Hey nothing wrong with that at all.
    Remember the song Ghetto Supastar?? Now that brings me back to frat house party memories. I also ran to it during my half marathon on Sunday! Lol


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