Saturday, November 12, 2011

My last birthday as a "single lady"!

Kyle kindly reminded me last night that this would be my last birthday as "Erica" instead of "Kyle's other half". Ha ha! I responded with "Kyle's BETTER half, you mean!" It is kind of surreal. The way I see it, it can only get better from here, because I'll have an even bigger family to celebrate with. Well, I've pretty much had the extended family for years, now, but it will be official next November 12.

Every year all I ask for from Kyle is a date with him. And I always want to go someplace we've never been. This year it was Cornish Pasty. We went to the one in Mesa instead of Tempe because it is bigger, so we were hoping for a shorter wait (it was short, by the way). We had the Chicken Pot Pie and Rosemary Steak, topped off with the Caramel Apple dessert. My favorite part, besides the food being amazing, was the German beer on tap!

Cornish Pasty at Dobson and Guadalupe

Our dessert!
Highly recommended.

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