Monday, December 31, 2012

New year as Newlyweds!

Well, this will be our first official ringing-in of the new year as a married/legitimate couple!

And we are both SICK AS DOGS.

Sucks, but we remember fondly the New Year's Eves of past years today, knowing that no matter what, we made it a fun night despite often having too high of expectations for an epic evening.

The nicest thing about today was the Kyle was really trying to come up with something fun for us to do, since he wanted to make me happy and make the evening memorable.

Here is a tribute to our 8 New Years together!

2005-6 at Tempe Town Lake- Blues Traveler

2006-7 at our house

2007-8 at Tempe Town Lake- Bare Naked Ladies

It wouldn't let me flip it- 2009-10 at the Boes'

German New Year to celebrate with Casey and Karen

At Palbykin's 2010-11

In Keystone, CO 2011-12

Saturday, December 29, 2012

3 Months of Marriage Bliss!

More like "busy-ness" but happy for the most part!

I think that I finally recovered from the post-wedding shock and have given myself enough distance to not be sad about it all being over, or feel exhausted just thinking about it all again. It is amazing that I survived planning a wedding, working, and all of our other normal life activities, seeing as how the last 2 months have been crazy busy and there was no wedding!

Come to think of it, there have been a lot of wedding things still going on in the house. First, there are the loads of thank you cards, which I finally finished today! I know, 3 months, seriously bad etiquette. But I was told by more than 1 person that I had a year and not to worry about it. And technically we didn't have the cards in our possession until 2 months ago! Next, we had to unpack all the gifts (and open them!) and then had to figure out what to get rid of and what to replace. We had a "successful" garage sale two weeks ago (raising $72!) to clear out the clutter, but are still weeding through endless items from our former separate lives. I finally was able to part with the large stack of bridal magazines, the file folders of planning materials from vendors we didn't choose, and have kept only a small stack of wedding souvenirs for a future scrapbook (which I'll probably change to a "scrap box" and then eventually just trash anyway!)  We narrowed down the boxes of extra decorations and found a great website to sell them on (when I get the time), and we brought the wedding bench inside and lacquered it.  Add to the wedding stuff the fact that we have a new baby nephew AND the holiday season just ended, and man, time has FLOWN! I miss you guys!
We came home to a record-breaking speckling! (A game we play on our friends who watch each others' houses)

This was our front room in the aftermath- before we added in the boxes of decorations, too!

One by one... Kyle opened and I recorded the contents.

Scott wrapped his gift in a baby diaper box, just look at Kyle's reaction here...

The mess after opening boxes and boxes! Thank you to all our generous friends for so many gifts!

There is just so much I feel like I could still share about the wedding and the post-wedding fallout! I miss writing, and I hope that some of you will be happy to know that I am back, feeling relaxed this winter break, and prepared to post to my heart's content until I feel like I've said all I need to say!

Honey- we've made it a 1/4 of year already and we haven't killed each other (or even come close!) Congratulations on wearing a ring with pride, and thank you for making me so very happy as a wife.

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