Ah, it feels so nice to be writing again! I have spent way too much time these last 2 weeks reading and grading, planning and packing, and have sorrily neglected my most cathartic pastime. Since this blog is about being candid and honest, the truth is that writing, and for that matter wedding planning, have been too far down on the "to do" list. I know I've said it before, but I'll reiterate, that life cannot be about one single thing, for instance a wedding, because there are just too many factors involved. For one, work, which is something I am equally as passionate about as my wedding, but that takes up as much of my brain power as I can spare at times, like the ends of the quarter. Luckily I have 2 week breaks to get back to a balanced life. Another distraction is people, sometimes time spent with friends is much more rewarding than time spent writing a blog for friends to read from afar. This weekend we've been skiing, last weekend we were camping, it's all about the outdoors in our house, obviously. Now I have some down time, some "me time", thanks to a week of Spring break in Colorado, driving through the state to visit with some of the most important people in my life, and given time to myself to sleep in, read The Hunger Games trilogy, and write once more. I have many stories to tell, and now that I have the time to tell them, I will hopefully be updating more often and will get back into the habit for everyone's enjoyment.
Brides-to-be out there, remember this: Don't apologize when you get tired of the wedding, because sometimes you need balance in life, and weddings tend to tip the scales in one direction for too long a time. Find that balance, take time off, and don't worry about it!