More like "busy-ness" but happy for the most part!
I think that I finally recovered from the post-wedding shock and have given myself enough distance to not be sad about it all being over, or feel exhausted just thinking about it all again. It is amazing that I survived planning a wedding, working, and all of our other normal life activities, seeing as how the last 2 months have been crazy busy and there was no wedding!
Come to think of it, there have been a lot of wedding things still going on in the house. First, there are the loads of thank you cards, which I finally finished today! I know, 3 months, seriously bad etiquette. But I was told by more than 1 person that I had a year and not to worry about it. And technically we didn't
have the cards in our possession until 2 months ago! Next, we had to unpack all the gifts (and open them!) and then had to figure out what to get rid of and what to replace. We had a "successful" garage sale two weeks ago (raising $72!) to clear out the clutter, but are still weeding through endless items from our former separate lives. I finally was able to part with the large stack of bridal magazines, the file folders of planning materials from vendors we didn't choose, and have kept only a small stack of wedding souvenirs for a future scrapbook (which I'll probably change to a "scrap box" and then eventually just trash anyway!) We narrowed down the boxes of extra decorations and found a great website to sell them on (when I get the time), and we brought the wedding bench inside and lacquered it. Add to the wedding stuff the fact that we have a new baby nephew AND the holiday season just ended, and
man, time has FLOWN! I miss you guys!
We came home to a record-breaking speckling! (A game we play on our friends who watch each others' houses) |
This was our front room in the aftermath- before we added in the boxes of decorations, too! |
One by one... Kyle opened and I recorded the contents. |
Scott wrapped his gift in a baby diaper box, just look at Kyle's reaction here... |
The mess after opening boxes and boxes! Thank you to all our generous friends for so many gifts! |
There is just so much I feel like I could still share about the wedding and the post-wedding fallout! I miss writing, and I hope that some of you will be happy to know that I am back, feeling relaxed this winter break, and prepared to post to my heart's content until I feel like I've said all I need to say!
Honey- we've made it a 1/4 of year already and we haven't killed each other (or even come close!) Congratulations on wearing a ring with pride, and thank you for making me so very happy as a wife.